Not available because there are no bookmarks selected. Opens the selected bookmark(s) using your Web Browser. Each bookmark is opened in a separate browser window. Not available because there are no bookmarks selected. Opens the selected bookmark(s) using the preferred Helper application. Not available because your Web Browser is not running. Creates a bookmark containing the Query of the current Web Page in your Web Browser. Your Web Browser must support the WWW Suite of Apple Events. Not available because your Web Browser is not running. Creates a bookmark containing the URL of the current Web Page in your Web Browser. Your Web Browser must support the WWW Suite of Apple Events. Not available because no, or more than one, bookmark is selected. Displays the Get Info dialog box, where you can set all attributes of a bookmark. Not available because there is no selection. Insert a separator line after the selected bookmark or folder. Not available because there is no document open. Creates a new folder after the selected bookmark or at the end of the list of bookmarks, if no bookmark is selected. Not available because there is no closed folder selected. Adds a new bookmark to the selected closed folder. Not available because there is no document open. Creates a new bookmark after the selected bookmark or at the end of the list of bookmarks, if no bookmark is selected. Not available because there is no document open. Bookmarks Menu Use this menu to create and organize bookmarks.